Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fall in Nanaimo

We met a couple from our home town of St. Thomas, Ontario, back in mid September. Bob and Alvisia are also full timers and have spent their fall out on the island. They are also card players, and we have gotten together quite a few times to play cards. Mostly euchre, but we've also taught them Pepper, which is a variation of euchre.

We also shared a thanksgiving day turkey with them; and took a drive over to Coombs. We went there specifically to go to "Goat on Roof" market. It's a tour attraction, with lots of gift shops offering a wide variety of goods. There's also a indoor market with a cafe and lots of fruits, vegetables and cheeses etc to choose from. There were no sign of the goats though, but the roofs are all grass. Pretty neat.

We've had a pretty nice fall so far. The day time temps hover around 9 and we've only been down to freezing once during the night. We've also had a break with the rain. Mostly seems to rain over night; and during the day it's been quite nice.

We spend our days, going for walks; puttering around the rig doing odd jobs; shopping; playing poker on-line; and sometimes just a whole lot of nothing. Suits us just fine.

And just as I'm getting ready to post this blog; it started to snow. So, went out and took some pictures. It looks really pretty, but I'm hoping that it doesn't last too long.

Take a look at some of our pictures of our rig and campsite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay - so it's good you mentioned snow because we've been white for a few weeks and anybody writing to tell us of warmer climes makes us go grrrrrr and brrrrrr....looks like a white Christmas will be had. Nice that you're around a former St. Thomas clan and enjoying holiday times with them. Hope you have a 'whale' of a time.