Friday, August 8, 2008

Salmon Point, Campbell River, BC

We left Mission on Monday, May 5th and took the ferry over to Vancouver Island. We noticed at this time, that Molly's face on the left side had started to swell. We spent the first night in Parksville; and continued on to Salmon Point the next day.

By Wednesday morning, not only the side of Molly's face had swollen, but also her eye; and under her chin. So off to the vet in Campbell River we went. Turns out she had an abcess. She had emergency surgery on the abcess and we picked her up the next morning. She had a drainage tube; along with her stitches; and with the cone she was now wearing, looked like frankenstein's bride wearing an easter bonnet!

She had the stiches in for roughly 3 weeks; and the cone remained on for another week after that. She was quite happy to see the last of the cone. And she has healed completely.

We had a nice view of the Straight of Georgia, with the snow capped mountains on the mainland as our main view. It was a nice place to call "home" for a few months. We also met some really nice people here. We ended up sharing a few fires with Liz, Lorne and Barb. Also met up with them in Victoria; and hope to see them again.

We ended up spending 3 months at Salmon Point; and the weather for much of the spring and early summer, was rainy, cold, windy, overcast; and generally yucky! I thought that we would have been a lot more protected from the wind, being on the east side of the island; but I was wrong! It seemed like the wind was a constant. Watching cruise ships pass by, also became a frequent thing to watch; as well as the many barges that bring supplies to the island.

Gas on the island is also quite high. The highest was 149.9/litre for diesel; so we spent a lot of time going for a hikes along the ocean or for walks around the park. We certainly did our share of boycotting the gas stations this summer. Although eventually you do have to stop; and it was $172.00 to fill the tank - ouch!

Take a look at the pictures we posted.

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