Friday, April 15, 2011

Playing in the Waves... Again

Bright and early on Wednesday morning, Joey and his friend Kevin picked us up and off to Hermosa beach we went for another morning of surfing and playing in the waves.

Along the way, we stopped and picked up another friend, Augie, and then we continued to the beach.

We parked the SUV at a friends place in a beautiful gated community.  Got a little glimpse again at how the very wealthy live.  The houses in this area are all well over a million.  With the Pacific Ocean, right out their back door… nice.

We found a log to sit on; and within a few minutes the guys were off surfing; and I was starting to take pictures.

There were a group of surfers up from us; so there was plenty to watch.  I walked along the beach for a little bit; taking pictures as I went.

Mike got a really bad burn on his back the last time he played in the ocean; so this time he kept a t-shirt on.  He played in the waves and managed to successfully body surf a few waves, before heading back in.

We were back to the condo late morning and spent the rest of the day relaxing.

On Thursday, Mike headed to the grocery store to get a few supplies.  Joey and Eida joined us for dinner.   I made shepherds pie and Eida brought a delicious avacado/pineapple salad. 

After dinner, we got out the cards and played some “high stakes” poker.  Since were weren’t playing for money, we “valued” the chips starting at a $1,000.  Eida had never played poker before… so of course she was the big winner. 

Joey and Eida also brought us a dream catcher wind chime from their store.  He had seen me looking at wind chimes earlier; and brought us one as a gift.  Very nice of them; and it’ll look great hanging from our rig’s awning this summer.  Thanks guys, it was very thoughtful of you.

And tonight, we’re meeting Joey, Eida and their friends for a cook out on the beach.  We’ll head down for the sunset; and then meet up with them.

We are really glad to have met such a nice couple; and look forward to spending some more time with them before we leave.  Which is quickly approaching.  We leave Jaco on May 4th and fly home on May 10th.

On a good note, Mike’s Aunt Marie is now out of the hospital and back at her own home.  Thanks for all the prayers that were being sent her way… it seems to have helped.

Rob is still deep in a coma, and could still use some extra prayers.

Please click here to look at our pictures


Anonymous said...

ahhhh...pretty soon surf's going to be up here w sunny skies, strong winds and flowers a'blommin...starting to feel just like CR w/o the ocean....happy travels.
Nutty acorns

Anonymous said...

Looks like another great week in the sun and surf.
Say Hi to Joey and Eida for me!